A Quote from Alexandra Horowitz’s Inside of a Dog

Things directly in front of a dog’s face are visible to him, but they are not quite as sharply in focus as they would be for us… . In fact, dogs might overlook small things right in front of their nose [because of the way their eyes are structured]. Inside of a Dog (Scribner, 2009; page…

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This is my dog, Kerry.

This is my dog, Kerry. The character of Callie is a thinly disguised version of this little girl. She’s a pug mix—we think pug mixed with jack russell terrier. What do you think?

Cover Image for The Storm

A Quote from The Storm

This is what a dog’s life should be, Shep thought as he raced after the Ball for a fifth time. Nothing but sky above and the wind in your fur and grass under your paws and a boy to play with.

A Quote from Alexandra Horowitz’s Inside of a Dog

One could say that dogs see the world faster than we do, but what they really do is see just a bit more world in every second. We marvel at dogs’ seemingly magical skill at catching a Frisbee on the fly, or following a rapidly bouncing ball… . [They can do this because] dogs actually…

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Cover Image for The Storm

Anatomy of a Character: Shep

Fun fact: The character of Shep was not always going to be a German shepherd. In my earliest notes, I thought my main character would be a pitt bull/boxer mix, or some other kind of young mutt. But as I thought more about my character, I knew he was a German shepherd. There’s something noble…

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A Quote from The Storm

Below, the dogs marveled at how the Great Wolf sparkled throughout the night.